Solidarity, museums: what are we talking about?
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ICOM France worked to relay the initiatives of museum professionals and to highlight them, to create spaces for sharing and exchange in order to maintain the link between actors in the museum field.
ICOM France, in collaboration with ICOM Finland, ICOM Greece, ICOM Israel and CIMUSET, designed a series of participatory debates around the theme of "Solidarities", in order to firmly affirm that solidarity between different museums in many regions of the world, between different professionals, between different actors in the museum sector, is the idea that would allow us all to keep the link, but also to encourage hopes, initiatives and generosity within a chaotic - and sometimes discouraging - period.
Ten sessions took place between November 2020 and October 2021, dealing with the transformations at work in museums, mutualisation, digital technology, the solidarity economy and sustainable development, networks of museum professionals, links with the public, the role of museums in preserving a memory of the health crisis, etc. Find the synthesis of each of these ten sessions in this publication edited in French and English.
The cycle and this publication have received financial support from the ICOM SAREC (Strategic Review Committee on Allocations)